Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Traveling virtually

I cant say that I have ever thought about traveling to a virtual world but if I was to go somewhere in a virtual world it would have to be space and to different planets because I would never get the chance to do that in the real world. I would like to see different galaxies and old stars and space storms what ever there is to see I would not mind seeing it in a virtual world. 

The only thing is I would like a tour guide to take me through the  different constellations and galaxies so that I know what every thing is and the guide could take me to the best spots I wouldn’t have to waste any time looking at black holes or dead planets. That is what I would do if I was to travel in a virtual world.

I could have chosen to go to china and look at the great wall or see the forbidden place or I could have gone to Italy or Rome and see the coliseum or row down the rivers of Venice but instead I choose to go to space because that is the one thing not every person can do in real life I would like to go to these places in real life and experience them but for a tip just to see the sites and not to actually experience these things I would go to space.

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