Friday, May 6, 2011

Truly a $25 PC

David Braben has developed a twenty-five dollar personal computer. Don’t believe me well check it out for yourself on geeks website. It seems that David’s plan is to get children interested in learning about computers and possibly become computer scientist. David thinks that because kids are only learning how to use computer applications like word and PowerPoint and never learn how a computer works they will never become interested in developing software for computers. Therefore, David made a twenty-five dollar computer that will allow every child to have a PC. Each PC will be able to access the internet and run a few programs such as word but what makes these computers so great is they will allow the kids to learn some basic programming. I think that this is a great way to get kids interested in the computer science field. I also think that this device will get children to appreciate what their computers consist of even if they do not become computer scientist they will have a basic understanding of how their computers work. On a side note I have to say that I am fascinated with the device and if it is available to purchase I will buy it for twenty-five dollars just to see how it works and maybe for a portable computer.  


XKrNxBallarX said...

This is incredible!!
I honestly thought about something like this, or had a discussion with someone about this.. this past weekend. If this comes out I'm planning on getting one just to see how well it works. Good post!

Anonymous said...

Oh my... It's great to see people wanting to get children involved in this. But even as an adult, I'm excited to see this and will definitely be getting this if it becomes available. Thanks for sharing! ^-^.

jbleck said...

This reminds me a bit of the One Laptop Per Child campaign. Cheap laptops that anyone can use. My wonder is what the $25 computer consists of? How easy is it to use, how kid friendly is it? Does it come with a durable case? A very cool achievement but still a lot left to do before it gets mass produced.

Christopher Soran said...

With as cloud centric as computing is becoming a $25 computer may be all that most people need. As long as you can connect to the internet, you can just use the Chrome web store, Google Docs, Aviary, stream music with Pandora, watch TV with Hulu, and the list goes on. I love the direction that creator of the $25 PC is taking. Although it reminds me of the $35 Android tablet the Indian government promised people, which seems like a dead deal at this point.

Ziggy said...

Yeah, that is exactly what I was thinking, that is why I want one because you can have a fully functional computer for only $25. I think that this will make it to market after some companies realize the potential I really don’t see any reason why they would not work to distribute this computer. However let’s just hope that it does not end up like the $35 Android tablet.