Friday, April 15, 2011

Weekend Social Media

Some claim that Friday is when the majority of people are contributing to the online community. It seems that on Fridays, there are more tweets and people that are on Facebook. Two hundred people were selected to determine what day people were on Facebook the most, within fourteen days. As it, turns out Thursday has the most traffic out of a week.  However, Twitter Chief Revenue Officer Adam Bain states that Fridays are when people are the most active. I think the only reason why Thursday would have more online traffic would be people board at work trying to pass the time or they are making plans for the weekend with their friends. When it comes to the activity on Friday the majority is in the evening when people are at home. I would expect there to be a difference between when people are on Facebook compared to Twitter.  It seems some companies have started to notice the trends of activity on these websites and are trying to tailor when they advertise to the users. As an example for the weekends, a good advertisement would be movie titles or new releases because people are off work and would be able to go the theaters. I think companies should change their advertisements based off the day of the week and the type of common users that are active. It appeals to me because if I have to look at advertisements it might as well be something of interest to me. 


XKrNxBallarX said...

I would have bet money that Friday had the most traffic for online communities... But thursday makes some sense too.. seeing as though I, myself, dont have class on thursdays.. I could see it making Friday have a run for its money.. and at UW's main campus.. dont thye celebrate and party on thursdays? hahaha. Maybe thursday is the new friday.

Ziggy said...

Ya, I would have to agree with you Friday would make the most sense. I really don’t get why Thursday would have more people on but like I said in my blog it must be because they are making plans at work or just bored passing time until the weekend.