Thursday, October 30, 2008

Online danger

Even with all the danger online I think most people still buy online is for the convenience.  You don’t have to get in your car and run into the store especially if you don’t have to have the item immediately.  Then there is the times when your just looking around and see something you like so you buy it. 

With all that convenience comes a great deal of danger. For example someone steals your credit card number. What is the difference between a online store and a store you walk in to. Well you can put a face to the person who is taking your credit card number.  Even though online you still know the name of the store to contact for problems. 

I think the dangers are about the same for online and offline so it does not bother me to go in a store and buy a movie or to go online and buy a movie. There is security features online that help combat credit theft and also to help get your money back.

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